GroAxo was conceived with the objective of helping Indian farmers achieve profitability and self-sustainability while providing safe and quality food to consumers.
Consumers willing to pay for fresh high-quality produce were unable to find it; store shelves were packed with either already vegetables past their prime, or even vegetables on the verge of rotting. Produce whose storage life should be 4-7 days is unusable after just a few days. Our guiding belief is that this dysfunction in the market for vegetables can be alleviated by directly connecting the two primary stakeholders – growers and consumers. Every day we witness the positive result of this process. Our food is fresher, higher in nutritional value, and safer to eat.
The problems with traditional farming and supply-chain practices for exotic vegetables are manifold: they are grown in suboptimal conditions, carry pesticide residue, are almost always over-fertilised, harvested too early and prematurely ripened, transported in hot environments, kept on store shelves too long, and so on. GroAxo aims to solve these problems by completely overhauling the entire farm-to-fork journey of vegetables.
At the farmer level, we use precision agriculture techniques to grow nutrient packed exotics vegetables and proactively educate our farmer-partners about how to do it too. We up-skill these farmers, teaching them sustainable farming techniques, how to make their output market-ready (for us, as all as their other customers) and give them specially sourced seeds. For such premium produce, we are happy to pay a premium price. We do not look to source at unsustainably cheap prices.
These locally grown exotic vegetables are harvested on the day of delivery so that they arrive to consumers literally as fresh as possible. None of our vegetables spend anytime rotting away in warehouses. Fruits that we sell are from existing supply chains and are also procured on the same day as delivery. We handpick all of our fruits and our longstanding relationships with trusted vendors allow us first pick of the day.
We deliver this valuable inventory directly to customers’ homes with Hyderabad’s first 100% cold-chain last-mile delivery network. From our fridges to yours, your vegetables do not spend any time exposed to the harsh sun.

Since our humble beginning in 2020 we have come a long way and safely maintained our standards of service throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. We take pride in the quality of our vegetables, our customer-first policy and our sustainable farmer-first supply chain.
With over 50 products, GroAxo is a 1 stop shop for many of our customers looking for nutritious, safe and fresh produce.